Common Weeds (NON-native plants)

To see and learn about NATIVE wildflowers, click here.

On this page, you will find pictures of some of the most common weeds that are found in gardens. I have seen many pages which show weeds, but do not have them organized as "weeds," but just by color, and listed as wildflowers. This page will help serve as an identification of weeds often found around most of the United States. The following plants are NOT native, and many are invasive. While many people consider certain native plants to be "weeds," this page only considers weeds to be non-natives. If you see these, they are NOT a wildflower, and you can choose whether to keep them or pull them, but if you keep them, do so with great care, as many of them harm the native landscape.

Abutilon theophrasti
Velvetleaf, China Jute, Buttonweed, Butterprint, Pie-marker, Indian Mallow

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Alliaria petiolata
Garlic Mustard, Garlic Root, Hedge Garlic, Sauce-alone, Jack-in-the-bush, Penny Hedge, Poor Man's Mustard

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Arctium minus
Lesser Burdock, Burweed, Louse-Bur, Common Burdock, Button-Bur, Cuckoo-Button, Wild Rhubarb

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Verbascum thapsus
Mullein, Common Mullein, Great Mullein

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Taraxacum officinale
Dandelion, Common Dandelion, Blowball, Lion's Teeth

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Malva neglecta
Common Mallow, Buttonweed, Cheeseplant, Cheeseweed, Cheeses, Dwarf Mallow, Roundleaf Mallow

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Berteroa incana
Hoary Alyssum, False Hoary Madwort, Hoary Berteroa, Hoary Alison

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Commelina communis
Asiatic Dayflower

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Thlaspi arvense
Field Pennygrass, Field Penny-Cress

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Trifolium pratense
Red Clover, Purple Clover

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Daucus carota
Wild Carrot, Bird's Nest, Bishop's Lace, Queen Anne's Lace

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Solanum dulcamara
Bittersweet, Bittersweet Nightshade, Bitter Nightshade, Blue Bindweed, Amara Dulcis, Climbing Nightshade, Fellenwort, Felonwood, Poisonberry, Poisonflower, Scarlet Berry, Snakeberry, Trailing Bittersweet, Trailing Nightshade, Violet Bloom, Woody Nightshade

Note: All parts of this plant are POISONOUS

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Nepeta cataria
Catnip, Catswort, Catmint

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Saponaria officinalis
Common Soapwort, Bouncing Bet, Crow Soap, Wild Sweet William, Soapweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Datura stramonium
Jimson Weed, Devil's Snare, Datura

Note: All parts of this plant are POISONOUS

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Dianthus armeria
Deptford Pink, Grass Pink

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Glechoma hederacea
Ground-Ivy, Gill-over-the-Ground, Creeping Charlie, Alehoof, Tunhoof, Catsfoot, Field Balm, Run-Away-Robin, Creeping Jenny

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Stellaria media
Chickweed, Common Chickweed, Chickenwort, Craches, Maruns, Winterweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Capsella bursa-pastoris
Shepherd's Purse

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Stellaria graminea
Grassleaf Starwort, Grassleaf Chickweed, Lesser Stitchwort, Common Stitchwort

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lotus corniculatus
Common Bird's-Foot-Trefoil, Bird's-Foot-Trefoil, Birdfoot Deervetch

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lythrum salicaria
Purple Loosestrife, Spiked Loosestrife

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Melilotus albus
Bokhara Clover, Honey Clover, Tree Clover, Sweet Clover, White-Flowered Sweet Clover, White Sweet Clover, White Melilo

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Trifolium repens
White Clover, Dutch Clover, White Trefoil, Trefoil

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Hieracium aurantiacum
Fox-and-Cubs, Orange Hawkweed, Tawny Hawkweed, Devil's Paintbrush, Grim-the-Collier

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Hypericum perforatum
Perforate St John's-wort, Common Saint John's wort, St John's wort

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Cichorium intybus
Chicory, Common Chicory, Blue Chicory

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Veronica arvensis
Corn Speedwell, Common Speedwell, Speedwell, Rock Speedwell, Wall Speedwell

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Centaurea maculosa
Spotted Knapweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Euphorbia cyparissias
Cypress Spurge

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Plantago lanceolata
English Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantain, Ribwort Plantain, Ribleaf, Buckhorn Plantain, Buckhorn, Lamb's Tongue

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Cardamine hirsuta
Lambscress, Landcress, Hoary Bittercress, Springcress, Flickweed, Shotweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Hemerocallis fulva
Orange Day-lily, Tawny Daylily, Tiger Daylily, Fulvous Daylily, Ditch Lily, Railroad Daylily, Roadside Daylily, Outhouse Lily, Tiger Lily, Wash-house Lily

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Hibiscus trionum
Flower-of-an-Hour, Bladder Hibiscus, Bladder Ketmia, Bladder Weed, Flower-of-the-Hour, Modesty, Puarangi, Shoofly, Venice Mallow

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Silene latifolia
White Campion, Bladder Campion

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Vicia cracca
Tufted vetch, Cow Vetch, Purple Vetch, Bird Vetch, Boreal Vetch

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Potentilla recta
Sulphur Cinquefoil, Rough-fruited Cinquefoil

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Barbarea vulgaris
Bittercress, Herb Barbara, Rocketcress, Yellow Rocketcress, Winter Rocket, Wound Rocket

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Euphorbia esula
Leafy Spurge, Green Spurge

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Linaria vulgaris
Common Toadflax, Yellow Toadflax, Butter-and-eggs

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Leucanthemum vulgare
Ox-eye Daisy, Oxeye Daisy

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lathyrus latifolius
Perennial Peavine, Perennial Pea, Broad-Leaved Everlasting-Pea, Everlasting Pea

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Verbascum blattaria
Moth Mullein

Flower                                             Flower (variation)                                                      Leaf                                              Seedpod

Coronilla varia
Crown Vetch, Purple Crown Vetch

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Galinsoga quadriradiata
Shaggy Soldier, Hairy Galinsoga, Fringed Quickweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Linaria dalmatica
Balkan Toadflax, Broadleaf Toadflax, Dalmatian Toadflax

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Melilotus officinalis
Yellow Sweet Clover, Yellow Melilot, Ribbed Melilot, Common Melilot

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Silene vulgaris
Maidenstears, Bladder Campion

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Vicia sativa
Common Vetch, Vetch, The Vetch, Tare, Garden Vetch

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Chelidonium majus
Greater Celandine, Tetterwort, Nipplewort, Swallowwort

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Butomus umbellatus
Flowering Rush, Grass Rush

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Erodium cicutarium
Redstem Filaree, Redstem Stork's Bill, Common Stork's Bill, Pinweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Hesperis matronalis
Dame's Rocket, Damask Violet, Dame's-Violet, Dames-Wort, Dame's Gilliflower, Night-Scented Gilliflower, Queen's Gilliflower, Rogue's Gilliflower, Summer Lilac, Sweet Rocket, Mother-of-the-Evening, Winter Gilliflower

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Echium vulgare
Viper's Bugloss, Blueweed

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Potentilla argentea
Silver Cinquefoil, Hoary Cinquefoil

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Myosotis scorpioides
True Forget-Me-Not, Water Forget-Me-Not

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Sedum acre
Stonecrop, Goldmoss Stonecrop, Mossy Stonecrop, Goldmoss Sedum, Biting Stonecrop, Wallpepper

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lamium amplexicaule
Henbit Dead-Nettle, Greater Henbit, Henbit

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Centaurium pulchellum
Branching Centaury, Branched Centaury, Lesser Centaury

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Leonurus cardiaca

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lamium purpureum
Red Deadnettle, Purple Deadnettle, Purple Archangel, Velikdenche

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Lysimachia nummularia
Creeping Jenny, Moneywort, Herb Twopence, Twopenny Thot

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Geranium pusillum
Small-flowered Crane's-Bill, Small Geranium

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Viola odorata
Wood Violet, Sweet Violet, English Violet, Common Violet, Florist's Violet, Garden Violet

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

Veronica persica
Birdeye Speedwell, Common Field Speedwell, Persian Speedwell, Large Field Speedwell, Bird's-eye, Winter Speedwell

Flower                                             Leaf                                                      Seedpod                                              Habit

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