Geranium robertianum (Herb Robert)

Geranium robertianum

Quick Facts:

    Common Names: herb robert, Robert geranium
    Lifespan: Perennial
    Zones: 3 - 7
    Type: Forb

Geranium robertianum, or herb robert, is native to the west coast states and the northeastern quarter of the United States. It grows in rich, open forests. It can spread quite quickly by seed and can become a nuisance if not kept in check.

This plant has an extremely pungeant odor, which is present just by touching the plant, but especially if the leaves are crushed.

In our yard, this grows in the Woodland Area.

Our growing score: 2

Other pictures of this plant:

               Seedpod                                           Leaf                                            Stem                                        Seed                                          Habit


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